Real and Genuine

Over the past several days I have been going back back and forth with a researcher in a nearby lab over what is “real” or relevant in the systems that we study. In short, are the high doses of chemicals we give our cells in culture relatable to the conditions that those cells would seeContinue reading “Real and Genuine”

Composing and comprised of

“Science takes things apart to see how they work; religion puts things together to see what they mean.”   -Rabbi Sacks   In general, the approach of science has been to take things apart in order to understand how each part works. Tissues and cells are taken out of the body and studied in isolatedContinue reading “Composing and comprised of”

About This Blog

“Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question.” Niels Bohr   The pursuit of the correct questions is the meaning of life. One which we cannot seemingly perfect and can barely even optimize in our limited time on this planet. Whether laboratory science, religious experience, personal emotions, andContinue reading “About This Blog”