Do what you are able

The endless stream of information being fed to us is overwhelming. New entertainment, narratives, and news stories are being uploaded at a rate that outpaces any hope of ever taking it all in. Up until recently the great limitation was the availability of information. However, now not the amount of information but the interpretation andContinue reading “Do what you are able”


Resilience  Success is not about short bursts of hard work. Success is achieved through a willingness to grind each and every day. Greatness is not punctuated moments of brilliance; greatness is doing your best with determination and consistency. Be resilient.  Success is not about the hits you take. Success is about how your respond to those hits,Continue reading “Resilience”

Empathy Over Entertainment, Compassion Over Consumption, and Love Over Luxury

As we reflect on the rise and fall of great empires of the past, numerous markers of a declining society have been proposed. While some of these markers are almost certainly innocuous, others may be the harbinger of a failing civilization. Although we may be caught up in chronologic snobbery, the erroneous perception that we atContinue reading “Empathy Over Entertainment, Compassion Over Consumption, and Love Over Luxury”

About This Blog

“Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question.” Niels Bohr   The pursuit of the correct questions is the meaning of life. One which we cannot seemingly perfect and can barely even optimize in our limited time on this planet. Whether laboratory science, religious experience, personal emotions, andContinue reading “About This Blog”